Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Baseball Season has arrived....

Yes, baseball season is here. For a lot of you in the south, baseball season started a while ago... But here in the cold north it has just begun. Opening day was yesterday in the major leagues, but those of you involved in fantasy baseball already know that! Here in my household we are involved in all levels of baseball. My hubby is deeply involved in the fantasy baseball, (those who can't play...). My oldest is on the varsity baseball team at his highsch00l. And my middle boy is signed up for little league, just waiting for the practices to start. My girl helps where she can with her pink batting helmet firmly in place and pink softball in her grip, she can't wait until next year when she can start t-ball. And, well, the baby just claps and cheers as best he can to keep everyone going. Me, the mom, makes sure that everyone is fed and where they need to be at the time they need to be there, and makes sure that everyone is sufficiently hydrated for the game. Here in this house we do school baseball, summer baseball, and fall baseball. From March until October we eat, sleep, & yes play baseball. Baseball season has just begun... and it won't end until winter is knocking at our front door again... PLAY BALL!

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