The level of power dropped off,
the power steering was gone,
the engine was overheating....
Not good.
I pulled off to the shoulder, hazards on, semi trucks whizzing by.
Baby screaming,
3 year old asking "What are you doing, Mama?"
"The van is hot, I'm gonna let it cool down"
"Why is the van hot?"
"I don't know, sweetie, I'm just gonna let it cool down a bit"
"It is already cooled off, let's go home"
You get the idea, back and forth... She wants to just go home (as do I), and I have to wait for the van to get within reasonable temperature levels before attempting it.
I wait several more minutes... turn the key... nothing.
The hazards have drained the battery...
Just great.
I call my dad, who lives over by us, about 40 - 45 minutes away.
He's on his way.
Baby still screaming. Daughter still asking questions. Mommy about to lose it.
I sent my husband a text message, he tells me to check the serpentine belt to see if it's still there.
I check.... well, yes, it's still there, but its shredded and not in place.
I call dad, he's almost there, he'll just take a look.
I change a poopy diaper and teach a 3 year old little girl how to squat on the side of the road to pee.
And then I sit and work on my potholder I had started to crochet on the way to the airport. This is very calming for me. Yes, the trucks are still whizzing by, but I am calm.
Not a soul stopped to see if I needed assistance. Not even the state police that passed by. I guess everyone is too busy with their own day to day to stop. But I guess in this day of cell phones and such, people just assume you'll be okay.
Eventually dad arrives, the van needs towed, there is a piece broken, not just the belt. I call our insurance agent and arrange for it to be towed and we FINALLY get to go home.
My potholder is finished and it looks nice.
The van... not so much.
Life goes on, one potholder (or pothole) at a time.

Found you!
What a bummer. But your potholder looks great!
And just read your triathlon post- awesome about your swimming. I could do the running and the cycling, but the swimming would get me.
Happy Tuesday!
sorry about the van but way to go on the pot holder, very impressive.
What a mess! But, I like the potholder!
LOL! that is one special pot holder!
Sorry about the van and all but I LOVE that potholder. Do you have a pattern to share?
Sure! I'll post it at the crochet gang.
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