Saturday, January 24, 2009


That can be a big word. It can mean a lot of things to different people. The actual definition for motivation is "An incentive or reason for doing something". I committed to something that I might not have committed to, had I n0t had the motivation to do it. My motivation was I was led to believe by my 16 year old son that he didn't think I could do it. The "IT" is a triathalon. In less than 6 months time.
I used to run. I was working out every day a little more than a year ago. I then became with child. I gained back whatever I had lost. I gave birth. I renewed my love of sweets. It has been a struggle since that fateful day that I saw 2 lines on the stick.
My dear sister, 13 years my junior, 4 years older than my son, called my son and asked him if he would like to do said triathalon with her. I then said to him, "maybe I want to do it". And his response was a guffaw. Yes, a guffaw. Of course, I then HAD to do it. He MADE me do it.
My next plan of action was to get a partner in crime. Someone to make sure I showed up my dear son. Someone to motivate me. I had the perfect person. My cousin. And she proved it tenfold. I texted her at 10:45pm last night to ask if she would be interested in a triathalon. She responded with an emphatic YES! She works the midnight shift at a nursing home, so she was up and wide awake! By 7:45am she had put together and delivered to my kitchen counter a Motivational Folder full of motivational quotes and a training schedule built for us, a 32 ounce water bottle, and a planner. She is awsome!
My son motivated me by telling me I couldn't do something, I motivated my cousin with the offer of a triathalon, and she motivated me by getting me pumped about doing this! I will keep you all posted with our progress!

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