Monday, November 10, 2008

Working through the webs...

So this week I started on my 1st web. You know the one with organizing the kids' clothes and rooms... I got my oldest child's room in the basement completed to a point where I could move him back down there. (See this post for why he wasn't there already). I also got my daughter's room started in the cleaned and organized department.
So for my son's room we painted 2 walls and shampooed the carpet. I got his clothes, bed, and electronics (tv, stereo, etc) organized and in place, so he is able to live down there now.
For my daughters room I am working on getting everything picked up and organized so that she can play in there without fear of getting lost! She has so many "girly" toys and when she was sharing a room with her brother she couldn't really bring those out! So now we get to organize her "kitchen", her table & chairs, her rocking horse, her baby dolls, etc... It is really a lot of fun for me since my other children are all boys! I will have to get to the other rooms and do them up too, but for now I am focusing on the girly girl room!

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